Authentication - Acceptable Management of Authenticator Expiration, v1.0

Credential Service Providers may issue authenticators that expire, and if it does it must handle expiration appropriately by not accepting expired authenticators and by notifying a user o the expiration. If a physical device has expired it should be destroyed and reclaimed.

Assessment Step

Authenticator Expiration (AuthenticatorExpiration)
Does the CSP properly handle expiring authenticators? This requires not accepting expired authenticators and notifying subscribers of the expiration. The CSP must also destroy or reclaim any expired physical authenticators.
Provide evidence (e.g. policies, operational details) that expiring authenticators are handled appropriately.

Conformance Criteria (1)

CSPs MAY issue authenticators that expire. If and when an authenticator expires, it SHALL NOT be usable for authentication. When an authentication is attempted using an expired authenticator, the CSP SHOULD give an indication to the subscriber that the authentication failure is due to expiration rather than some other cause. The CSP SHALL require subscribers to surrender or prove destruction of any physical authenticator containing attribute certificates signed by the CSP as soon as practical after expiration or receipt of a renewed authenticator.
NIST SP 800-63B
Section 6.3