Authentication - Acceptable Use of Restricted Authenticators, v1.0

If restricted authenticators are used by a CSP, the CSP must address the risks inherent in using them and must provide some alternative authentication methods to their subscribers.

Assessment Step

Acceptable Use of Restricted Authenticators (AcceptableUseofRestrictedAuthenticators)
Does the CSP properly use restricted authenticators by providing subscribers alternatives and explanations, and covers their use of restricted authenticators in their risk assessment.
Provide evidence (e.g. policies, operational details, risk assessments) that restricted authenticators are handled appropriately.

Conformance Criteria (1)

The risk of an authentication error is typically borne by multiple parties, including the implementing organization, organizations that rely on the authentication decision, and the subscriber. Because the subscriber may be exposed to additional risk when an organization accepts a RESTRICTED authenticator and that the subscriber may have a limited understanding of and ability to control that risk, the CSP SHALL:
  1. Offer subscribers at least one alternate authenticator that is not RESTRICTED and can be used to authenticate at the required AAL.
  2. Provide meaningful notice to subscribers regarding the security risks of the RESTRICTED authenticator and availability of alternative(s) that are not RESTRICTED.
  3. Address any additional risk to subscribers in its risk assessment.
  4. Develop a migration plan for the possibility that the RESTRICTED authenticator is no longer acceptable at some point in the future and include this migration plan in its digital identity acceptance statement.
NIST SP 800-63B
Section 5.2.10