Bona Fides for Health Care Provider, v1.0

Defines the requirement for verifying that an organization is a health care provider under HIPAA law by verifying the National Provider Identifier requirement.
At least one NPI must be provided by the health care provider to the assessor and must be verified at the NPPES NPI Registry at or similar resource.

Assessment Step

Verify NPI (VerifyNPI)
Does the health care provider have one or more valid and verified HIPAA National Provider Identifiers?

Provide a document provided by the health care provider, retrieved from the NPI Registry or generated by the assessor that shows the organization's name, address, and associated NPI number(s).

The standard unique health identifier for health care providers is the National Provider Identifier (NPI). The NPI is a 10-position numeric identifier, with a check digit in the 10th position, and no intelligence about the health care provider in the number.

Conformance Criteria (1)

NPI Verification
Health care provider must have one or more National Provider Identifier (NPI) per the provisions of the HIPAA act and assigned by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). An Individual Provider has only a single unique NPI, while an organization may have multiple unique NPIs for their subparts.
45 CFR Section 162.406