Establishment of Approved Profiles of Federation Protocols, v1.0

Federation authorities must establish a set of valid federation protocols and/or profiles on which the federation will operate to enable interoperability between federation participants and to fulfill other requirements as needed for the specific technical or business use-cases of the federation.

Assessment Step

Federated Authority Approved Protocols (FederatedAuthorityApprovedProtocols)
Does the federation authority establish appropriate protocols and profiles (e.g., Specific SAML profile or specific OIDC profile, perhaps a protocol TIP) for use by all federation members (RPs and IDPs)?
Provide evidence (e.g. organizational policies, compliance/assessment reports, sample data, required TIPs, etc.) that support whether the federation authority has established requirements for federated protocols.

Conformance Criteria (1)

A federation authority SHALL identify or establish one or more approved federation protocols, and where necessary, also identify or establish approved profiles of those protocols, to enable interoperability between the federation's IdPs and RPs, and to fulfill any other protocol-level requirements as needed in support of the technical and/or business use cases that the federation supports.
NIST SP 800-63C
Section 5.1.3, Paragraph 4