Federation - No Assumption of Global Uniqueness for Assertion Subject Identifier, v1.0

Relying Parties should not assume subject identifiers transmitted by IdPs are globally unique as it could cause conflicts with values transmitted by other IdPs.

Assessment Step

Subject Identifier Uniqueness (SubjectIdentifierUniqueness)
Does the RP treat subject identifiers as specific to the asserting IdP thus insuring no conflicting subjects from different IdPs?
Provide evidence (e.g. policies, operational details) that the RP uses subject identifiers appropriately.

Conformance Criteria (1)

An RP SHALL treat subject identifiers as not inherently globally unique. Instead, the value of the assertion's subject identifier is usually in a namespace under the assertion issuer's control. This allows an RP to talk to multiple IdPs without incorrectly conflating subjects from different IdPs.
NIST SP 800-63C
Section 6, Paragraph 6