Federation - Validation of Baseline Assertion Components, v1.0

Relying Parties must validate a baseline set of assertion elements including the signature, the issuer, the time validity window, and the audience restriction.

Assessment Step

Validate Assertions (ValidateAssertions)
Does the RP validate all critical parts of assertions, including the signature, issuer, time validity window, and audience restriction?
Provide evidence (e.g., policies, operational details, interoperability test results) that the RP validates all critical fields within assertions.

Conformance Criteria (1)

Elements within the assertion SHALL be validated by the RP, including:
  • Issuer verification: ensuring the assertion was issued by the IdP the RP expects it to be from.
  • Signature validation: ensuring the signature of the assertion corresponds to the key related to the IdP sending the assertion.
  • Time validation: ensuring the expiration and issue times are within acceptable limits of the current timestamp.
  • Audience restriction: ensuring this RP is the intended recipient of the assertion.
NIST SP 800-63C
Section 7.1