IDEF Data Aggregation Risk, v1.0

Specifies requirements in accordance with Identity Ecosystem Framework (IDEF) requirement PRIVACY-5: DATA AGGREGATION RISK.

Assessment Steps (2)

Data Aggregation Risk Assessment and Minimization (DataAggregationRiskAssessmentandMinimization)
Does the entity (a) assess the privacy risk of aggregating personal information, in systems and processes where it is collected, generated, used, transmitted, or stored, and (b) wherever feasible, design and operate its systems and processes to minimize that risk?
Provide evidence (e.g. organizational policies, procedures, compliance/assessment reports, etc.) and supporting notes as appropriate to support the assessor's response to this assessment step.
Assessment and Limitation of Cross-Transaction Information Linkages Without Consent (AssessmentandLimitationofCross-TransactionInformationLinkagesWithoutConsent)
Does the entity assess and limit linkages of personal information across multiple transactions in cases where those linkages could occur without the user's explicit consent?
Provide evidence (e.g. organizational policies, procedures, compliance/assessment reports, etc.) and supporting notes as appropriate to support the assessor's response to this assessment step.

Conformance Criteria (1)

Data Aggregation Risk
Entities MUST assess the privacy risk of aggregating personal information, in systems and processes where it is collected, generated, used, transmitted, or stored, and wherever feasible, MUST design and operate their systems and processes to minimize that risk. Entities MUST assess and limit linkages of personal information across multiple transactions without the user's explicit consent.
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