IDEF Recommended Taxonomy Standards, v1.0

Specifies best practices in accordance with Identity Ecosystem Framework (IDEF) best practice INTEROP-BP-C: RECOMMENDED TAXONOMY STANDARDS.

Assessment Step

Recommended Taxonomy Standards (RecommendedTaxonomyStandards)
Does the entity (a) utilize stable, published common taxonomies to enable semantic interoperability of attributes, and (b) use public open standards for those taxonomies when operating within communities where such standards have been established?
Provide evidence (e.g. organizational policies, procedures, compliance/assessment reports, etc.) and supporting notes as appropriate to support the assessor's response to this assessment step.

Conformance Criteria (1)

Recommended Taxonomy Standards
Entities SHOULD utilize stable, published common taxonomies to enable semantic interoperability of attributes, and SHOULD use public open standards for those taxonomies when operating within communities where such standards have been established.
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