Privacy - Onward Transfer - Suspicious Activity Report Format, v1.0

Defines privacy requirements for organizations to use a standard reporting format and commonly accepted data collection codes for SAR information.

Assessment Step

Privacy - Onward Transfer - Suspicious Activity Report Format (Privacy-OnwardTransfer-SuspiciousActivityReportFormat)
For suspicious activity report information, does the organization use a standard reporting format and commonly accepted data collection codes? Refer to Section VIII. Resource List, within the Fusion organization Privacy Policy Development: Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Policy Template for a listing of SAR information resources, such as DOJ's Findings and Recommendations of the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) Support and Implementation Project and Office of the Program Manager, ISE, Information Sharing Environment (ISE) Functional Standard (FS) Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR), Version 1.
Provide evidence (e.g. organizational policies, procedures, compliance/assessment reports, etc.) that support the assessor's response to this assessment step.
Satisfied By Privacy Policyrequired
BOOLEAN : Is the organization's privacy policy the source for all supporting information for satisfying the issuance criteria of this Trustmark Definition? (TRUE=yes)

Conformance Criteria (1)

For suspicious activity report information, does your center use a standard reporting format and commonly accepted data collection codes? Refer to Section VIII., Resource List, within the Fusion Center Privacy Policy Development: Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Policy Template for a listing of SAR information resources, such as DOJ's Findings and Recommendations of the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) Support and Implementation Project and Office of the Program Manager, ISE, Information Sharing Environment (ISE) Functional Standard (FS) Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR), Version 1.5.
Section J.2, Sharing and Disclosure