Trustmark Definition Name | Version |
Addresses requirements that organizations record signed declarations of identity by PKI certificate applicants.
1.0 |
Addresses restrictions on the use of dual-use certificates.
1.0 |
Addresses the key usage bit requirements for dual-use certificates.
1.0 |
This Trustmark Definition addresses organizational requirements to implement software integrity verification tools for information systems.
1.0 |
Addresses the requirement for software updates to be purchased or developed in the same manner as original equipment.
1.0 |
Addresses the requirement for software updates to be installed by trusted and trained personnel in a defined manner.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for compliance with minimum security requirements for software usage in compliance with contracts and copyrights as related to overall configuration management requirements.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization establishes restrictions on the use of open source software.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system, upon detection of a potential integrity violation, provides the capability to audit the event and initiates one or more of the following actions: generate an audit record; alert the current user; alert organization-defined personnel or roles; other organization-defined actions.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization employs automated tools that provide notification to organization-defined personnel or roles upon discovering discrepancies during integrity verification.
1.0 |
Software, Firmware, And Information Integrity | Automated Response To Integrity Violations - Restart
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system automatically restarts the information systemwhen integrity violations are discovered.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system automatically implements organization-defined security safeguards when integrity violations are discovered.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system automatically shuts the information system down when integrity violations are discovered.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization employs centrally managed integrity verification tools.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to authenticate organization-defined software or firmware components prior to installation.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization allows execution of binary or machine-executable code obtained from sources with limited or no warranty and without the provision of source code only in confined physical or virtual machine environments and with the explicit approval of organization-defined personnel or roles.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization requires that organization-defined user-installed software execute in a confined physical or virtual machine environment with limited privileges.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to detect unauthorized changes to software, firmware, and information.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization provides exceptions to requiring source code for use of binary or machine-executable code from sources with limited or no warranty only for compelling mission/operational requirements and with the approval of the authorizing official.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system performs an integrity check of organization-defined firmware at startup.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system performs an integrity check of organization-defined firmware] at organization-defined transitional states.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system performs an integrity check of organization-defined firmware upon occurrence of security-relevant events.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system performs an integrity check of organization-defined information at startup.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system performs an integrity check of organization-defined information at organization-defined transitional states.
1.0 |
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system performs an integrity check of organization-defined information upon occurrence of security-relevant events.
1.0 |