Trustmark Definitions (3151-3175 of 3247)

Trustmark Definition Name Version
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization establishes usage restrictions and implementation guidance for organization-defined information system components based on the potential to cause damage to the information system if used maliciously.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for compliance with minimum security requirements for use of external information systems - access from external systems as related to overall access control requirements.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for compliance with minimum security requirements for use of external information systems - external storage, processing, transmission of information as related to overall access control requirements.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization only permits external access when the external systems have met defined security controls.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization requires approved agreements for use of external information systems.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization prohibits the use of organization-defined network accessible storage devices in external information systems.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization restricts or prohibits the use of non-organizationally owned information systems, system components, or devices to process, store, or transmit organizational information.
Addresses requirements for exclusive use of new PKI Certificate Authority private signing keys.
Addresses requirements for the use of old PKI Certificate Authority private signing keys.
Addresses requirements for the use of trademarks in names in organization-issued PKI certificates.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that the organization's user agreements with the FBI CJIS Division have been coordinated with the CSA head.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization requires users to "activate" certificates used for authentication on each use.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization ensures that user-based certificates used for authentication purposes are specific to an individual user and not to a particular device.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization prohibits multiple users from utilizing the same certificate for authentication purposes.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization archives user identifiers.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system provides user logout capabilities.
Addresses requirements for User Principal Names (UPNs) in PKI certificates to be unique.
Addresses requirements for User Principal Names (UPNs) in PKI certificates to reflect organizational structures.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system alerts organization-defined personnel or roles when the unauthorized installation of software is detected.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an information system prohibits user installation of software without explicit privileged status.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that the organization requires users to provide a reason for III inquiries when requested.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that private contractors acknowledge and abide by all aspects of the CJIS Security Addendum.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for verifying that an organization requires users to directly initiate session lock mechanisms to prevent inadvertent viewing when a device is unattended.
Addresses the requirement for PKI CA key pair generation to create a verifiable audit trail that the security requirements for procedures were followed.
Defines conformance and assessment criteria for compliance with minimum security requirements for verification of physical access authorizations as related to overall physical and environmental protection requirements.
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